Saturday, January 17, 2009

Rays of Dawn

Recently, Jaime and I joined a discussion group that meets weekly to read a chapter from this book called Rays of Dawn by Dr. Thurman Fleet. It's actually fascinating as it evokes quite a bit of discussion on our own perspectives on life. Dr. Fleet wrote this book after going through a 7 day, 7 night enlightenment in the 1930s. His language is quite sophisticated although he himself only finished the 4th grade.

What is really even more amazing is that Dr. Fleet claims that it doesn't matter whether you agree with what he wrote in this book. As long as you think about what he wrote, you can heal mentally, physically, and spiritually. How wonderful would that be if it is true.

As the content is interesting, we decided to join the discussion group. It is led by Dr. Peter Goldman, someone we highly respect and know is a great healer. Since it meets on Wednesdays, it's also a fun way to break up the week and have something to do together.

We look forward to learning something new every week!

- Lei

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