Monday, January 5, 2009

New Years (No) Resolutions

As you can see from this picture and the slideshow on our blog, we had a fun New Years Eve. Since Isabel was asleep by 8, we went out to a house party hosted by our friend Pang and his brothers.

They do this party every year and charge a small fee $20 for a great time (all free liquor, DJ, RockBand, Karoke, etc.). This year it was hosted at the apt building Pang bought. He plans to remodel it so he didn't mind if it got a bit trashed by party people.

Over 300 people were there and the top floor where the main dance floor was overlooked the golden gate bridge. It was quite nice. We tried Rock Band and was able to finish a song although limped through it. The girls also sang at KTV for awhile while Jaime made fun of us. We all had plenty of Jello shots and champagne to celebrate.

I decided this year to not do New Year Resolutions because I guess I do them every year and I thought instead of waiting for new years to do something different, I can choose to be different every day and just start from there. It's my way to be more spontaneous and fluid with life instead of trying to plan every minute out. So far it feels pretty good. ;-)

Happy New Year. Best wishes in 2009!

- Lei

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