Friday, May 23, 2008

23 Pounds To Go!

I gained almost 40 pounds for Isabel and lost 10 after giving birth. I am happy to say I lost another 7 pounds in the last 2 weeks. Yeepy.

23 pounds to go before I return to my pre-pregnancy weight. That's the good news. The bad news is my OB, who had two kids, and look fabulous now took 8 months each time to lose the weight.

So I am not expecting to lose the 23 pounds quickly. We'll see. My OB say my uterus is still shrinking and that will take time. I think breastfeeding is really helping with that and the weight loss. I will keep you posted.

For now, the good news is my $500 investment in pregnancy clothes will get more mileage for probably another 6 months.

- Lei

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