Monday, August 1, 2022

We have the Vacation blues :-(

 We came back on Friday night.  Jet lag hasn't been too bad and it was awesome to hug the kids and sleep in our own bed again.   We did however came back to a very grey SF weather.  It's been cloudy since we returned and much reflect our mood.  As much as we liked to come home, Portugal was just beautiful, relaxing, with amazing food, friendly people, and everything is so much cheaper.  We miss all of it. 

It makes us really rethink about our long term future as life in Europe just seems less crazy especially in the summer.  

  • We met our friends who are retired at the age of 48 and happy.  
  • We met Luisa  who switched from being a lawyer to being the person who works at the guest house we stayed at.   She is making almost the same but is 100 times happier.  
  • We met Tim who is a Texan but left the US six years ago and now owns a Texas bar in Porto and couldn't be happier
  • We saw people young and old just hanging out with each other during the day and at night enjoying life and the beautiful weather. 
It makes coming back to the rat race of American corporate that much harder.  It makes us think differently about retirement as well. 
  • How can we work on our terms until maybe we are 85 but start enjoying life more now?
  • How can we perhaps live a bit more in Europe, especially Portugal in addition to the States, while our kids are still home?
  • How can we rethink how much money we really need to live well?
  • How can we remake our work situations now so we can better enjoy life while we are still young, healthy?
  • How can I work maybe 9 months out of the years instead?
I don't want to retire at the age of 65.  That seems like an idea that is no longer as relevant for our generation.  Instead I want to work and still use my brain until I die but at the same time, spend more time with family, friends, and imagine different ways to enjoy life.   Our trip to Europe filled us with excitement for the future and many new questions of whatifs.  I guess I have to be patient and let them marinate a little so we can experiment with what could be slowly over the next 10 years. 

I miss the sun and the energy of Portugal.   I guess it will pass as times goes on.  In 2 weeks, kids are back at school and we will have a very hectic schedule again of drop off and pick up plus both kids in competitive soccer practice and games.  Will keep us busy...

For now, I guess I should be grateful for two healthy, imaginative kids, a loving husband, my own health and for our parents being relatively healthy and independent still.   Grateful also for my job to allow me a 3 month sabbatical.   I have 4 weeks left before I go back to work.  not ready yet... 

The blues will pass.  I guess I will just have to wait.  at least in the meantime kids and I have gotten ourselves into binge watching K-drama. First one - business proposal - so silly and romantic.  next is a C drama - legend of the white snake.  Will be cool to see how much the kids can understand the mandarin.   Until then, just taking some deep breath and enjoying the comfort of our bed - none of the hotel beds compared.  It's still always good to be home again

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