Sunday, August 4, 2013

My First Ever Timed Race - 5K Giants Race 2013

Even though I have been running for exercise for over 15 years, I have never been in a timed race before.  Thanks to Agnes who signed us for the Giants Race this year, I was able to finished my very first 5K race with official time of 29 min 45 seconds or 9:31 per mile

It even amazed me how fast I ran given my regular pace is around a 10 min mile or more.  I think it was really because of all the energy in the crowd.
  • There were over 7000 people running, jogging, and walking in the 5K.  some with stroller as well.
  • Sometime it was like an obstacle course to get around people that were walking in the middle but for the most part it was just awesome to see so many people running
  • The powerade or gatorade midway definitely helped
  • On the way back to give myself more of a boost, I put my hand out for high fives with strangers still going toward half way mark.  Remarkably, every time I did that, I got a bit of an energy burst.
  • I had to stop once to loosen my left shoe as my left foot was going numb from tightening the timer to my left shoe too tight.  First time rookie mistake I guess.  I needed the break anyway.  Each mile was not easy.  I never got a runner's high, but seeing everyone else running motivated me to keep going
  • the best part is we end up inside AT&T park for the finish which was awesome.  I have never been on the field before.  Agnes and I were able to stretch on the outfield grass - really surreal and a great feeling.  We also took some funny photos near the dug out and home plate which was fenced off.
  • We then all came home and headed to Chinatown for a decadent meal of crab, shrimp, fish, pork, and beer.  YUMMY!
All in all, a great day.  My sister and brother in law also ran although they were way ahead in the line.  We got there just at 11am when the starting line started.  We didn't actually cross the starting line until 11:10am.  Good thing for these sophisticated timers which times you only when you step on the mat crossing the start line.

I am pretty sore now.  Was very sore to begin with as I took a TRX/ViPR work out on Friday and did like 80 squats.  not smart.  I was surprised I could even run as getting up from the couch was painful.  Although once the muscles warmed up, it was actually less painful running than walking.  I will pay for it tomorrow I guess.

Today, I am just enjoying the high of finishing my first official race ever.  Agnes says next year it will be the 10K - YIKEs!  next race probably the 5K on Turkey day.

See our photos here


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