Monday, August 26, 2013

Isabel's First Week of Kindergarten

Dawn of a new Era - my baby girl Isabel is a kid now who goes to Kindergarten 5 days a week. Ahhhh! Where did all the time go?  I cry 3 times in the last month thinking about it.  It's hard to thinking she is growing up so far.  Even with all the preparation mentally, the first week was still quite a transition
  • Isabel went from a preschool of 12 kids to attending Starr King which has 300+ kids 
  • Our commute went from 30 min mornings and another 30 min evenings twice a week to 90 minutes mornings and 90 min evenings 5 days a week.  Let's just say that Jaime and I are still adjusting and looking into carpool option.  
    • The longer time is partly contributed to the fact Starr King is farther away (about 20 min drive without traffic one way).  
    • But also because Isabel is still adjusting and we have to stay with her for 25 min until assembly is done and we walk her to classroom
    • Also with giants games, the longest time it took one way can be 45 minutes. - Yikes
  • It's great she is going to school with friends she already know - Weston is from her preschool and is now in her class Room 114.  Isabel is also making new friends fast - Danika, Lucas, Leah, Emily, etc...
  • Isabel is also learning that she should not leave her lunch bag out on a bench to play.  She forgot about it.   Thank goodness she already ate.  We did find the bag but the rest of the food and the topperware were gone
  • We learned that white shirts may come home with paint all over it. Blue tops may be better and last longer.  Starr King has uniforms - white and blue collared top and blue bottoms.  
  • We are learning to put Isabel in bed earlier than 9 as her days starts at 7:40 wake up 8:40-2:40 school.  2:40-5:30 after school,  then dinner, bath, games, and bed. 5 days a week.  She is pretty tired after that as are we with all the extra commute.
  • On Friday, I got a call from the school that Isabel fell on the pavement and bruised her face.  I found out it's a complete accident from Isabel. She just ran into another kid her age and fell.  Her shiner is recovering very quickly.  Kids heal so far.  
  • I took the bus to pick up Isabel on Friday 30 min to get there and 45 min to get back.  The seat was not that comfortable but at least I didn't have to drive and I had seats in both direction.  Isabel liked it and actually took a nap on the way back.  
All in all, still adjusting but going well.  I guess I should treasure this time while she clings to us still as soon enough she will run to school and not even look back to say goodbye.   Letting her go a little at a time is something we must do but it's definitely not easy.  I am glad I get to spend enough time with her to see her grow into such a multi-faceted little girl.

Here are some photos and video.

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