Thursday, April 29, 2010

Life is good!

The sun is finally out today and I am snapping out of my downer mood.  Why not?  life is good overall.  I have a great family and business life, a beautiful baby and good friends.  What else can I ask for?  Besides, in the last few days and weeks, I have been receiving sobering news.

- a fellow Judo friend of Jaime's died of Cancer at age 59;
- a friend of Jaime's mom died of heart attack - I think he was only in his 60's
- our mutual friend's mom went back to the Philippines to retire and died 15 days later of a sudden stroke at the age of 83
- Jaime's high school friend's mom just died as well
- today I show up for work to receive an email about a colleague I have worked with for 2 years - they found a tumor in him that may be cancerous and he needs surgery right away while his wife is having complications with her recent back surgery

Life can be much tougher for many people.  We are all mortal and all we have is NOW, so I hope you are enjoying NOW wherever you are.  Don't let crap affect you today because today we are alive and breathing and we have to be thankful for that.

hugs and kisses,

1 comment:

Chloe said...

Hear hear! I like your title. I twitted that title as well.