Monday, November 23, 2009

Very healthy Isabel

We took her to her 18 months check up last week and all is good. She is
  • 33.75 inches tall at 90%
  • weighs almost 24 lbs which is at 50%
  • and her head size is at around 75%
She had 3 shots and cried for 20 seconds and was over it with no reaction afterward which is awesome. The doctor only had two advice for us
  1. try to have her sleep 12 hours at night + 1 to 2 hour nap during the day. We been putting her to bed at 7:30 now and she gets up around 7pm and smiling even more, so it's great
  2. less milk and more table food - she should have less than 18 oz of milk and more food from our dinner. Which is also working out great. She is even stealing Agnes's wrap sandwich now. Very cute - we have a video we will share in another post.
All is good. We also got referrals to dentists as Isabel has 6 teeths and many more coming out, so we are supposed to go see one in the next 6 months. Her stitches from her surgery is healing well. Had some bruising on one side and a little bubble but is much better now. She is such a strong, happy little girl. We are very blessed.

p.s: this picture with the post is old - probably when she was only 15 months old but it's so cute!

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