Monday, November 23, 2009

Always see a doctor early

I definitely benefited from this rule just last week. I had a painful stabbing headache that I never experienced before. It felt like someone was jabbing me with a needle every few minutes. I also had a small bump on my head. I thought it was a mosquito bite by a giant mosquito that happen to bit me on a nerve on my head - thus causing the headache.

The theory also made sense since only a few days earlier I killed a giant mosquito, the size of a fly. Still I am not a doctor and thought it would be better to see one. I belong to a medical group that can set up same day visits so I went to the doctor the next morning. He checked my symptom and also my lymph nodes and said "You have Shingles"

I was floored. I actually had Shingles on my back 15 years ago, but never thought this was that. He said "you are lucky you came when you first had symptoms and you don't have an open sore. You are not generally contagious and can still go to work. Just don't scratch your head. With a 7 day Valtrex medicine, you will recover fairly quickly and should be pain free soon." The drug would just get me a bit tired. I still didn't believe him and insisted on a blood test to verify. He agreed. He also asked me to see an ophthalmologist in case it affects my eyesight. Shingles can cause loss of vision too.

Long story short, he was right and I am fine. I saw an ophthalmologist the next day and no eye infection and I am all better now. I am still glad I did the blood test so I know that I didn't take some strong medicine unnecessarily.

Moral of the Story: Always go to a Doctor early to double check a medical theory I am not really qualified to make. And make sure the doctor can prove it with fact (such as a blood test), so you don't get misdiagnosed.

Stay healthy and happy holidays!

- Lei

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