Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I have never been so happy to see....

Poop! Isabel has been constipated for 10 days. Her Pediatrician said everything seems fine since she is 100% breastfed and she is active and smiling everyday. He just recommended that we give her 4-8oz of water starting yesterday to help her out.

I was starting to worry today since she still didn't poop. Well, I didn't have to. At 8pm, she started to poop about 4 times, including pooping while Agnes and I were changing her. You think we would be grossed out or something. Instead, Agnes and I were both cheering and laughing when it happened. We were so happy and relieved. I think Isabel was so confused why we were so happy.

I guess this is what happens when you becomes parents. Seeing Poop from Isabel has made our day!

- Lei

1 comment:

Em and Roy said...

Oh I believe it. We're a total pooping family, so in the same situation, we'd be crying out of joy.