Wednesday, September 17, 2008

She recognizes me !

Wow, Isabel is growing so fast. One of the best developments has been that she recognizes people now. She almost always smiles when she sees me now. It warms my heart so much to see her smile. It's an indescribable feeling.

With recognition however, also comes fear. She is now afraid of anyone new to her and becomes anxious and agitated. Unfortunately, pretty much everyone except Agnes, Jaime, and I are new to her. The fear is just a phase I think. As she gets more accustomed to the world, she will get more accustomed to other people and crowds.

For now, Isabel enjoys herself a lot in her own little world, which is exploring this gym mat in our living room. You can also see in this video that she is starting to turn herself around with her arms. I wonder when she will crawl, maybe in a month or so. She is quite a fast learner. We will see. I don't actually want her to learn to crawl too fast as I haven't baby proof the house yet. yeeks.

- Lei

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