Sunday, August 3, 2008

Isabel is 3 months old

Yesterday Isabel turned 3 months. We weighed her at home and she is about 14+ lbs already and about 25+ inches (a big baby!).

She is such a little person now with some personality emerging, although mostly still a typical baby (crying when she is bored, crying when she has dirty diaper, crying when she is hungry)

With that said, she is definitely focusing more on things with her eyes. At times she would look intently into my eyes for what seems like minutes without blinking. She can also play in her little gym by herself for a little bit now.

At first, I thought all these toys we got her (gym, the music soother, the toys on her chairs) were useless because she doesn't seem to like them. Now I realize it was too early for her. She couldn't focus yet on them before. Now she can and can stare for awhile at just one thing. It's so fascinating to see how she is developing into a little person.

- Lei

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