Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fasination Mode

I think the first 3 months is the survival mode as everyday is a fight to get enough sleep, make sure she has enough milk, hope she can sleep well at night, and watching her build baby fat. That's why they also call it the fourth trimester I guess.

Now that she is almost four months old, I think we have transitioned to the fascination mode. Jaime and I are just fascinated at all the changes she is going through everyday
- You can tell she is thinking and processing things every day
- She is fascinated with everything she sees when she goes outside
- She is starting to smile more every day and once in awhile laughing out loud
- She begin to reach for things and grab them (you can see she is aware of her hands and feet). She grabs her feet now and may soon enough put her toes in her mouth :-)
- The most amazing thing of all recently is two days ago, she learned to turn over. At first she struggled as you can see in the first video, but a day later, she can do it more no problem (in the second video). It's just amazing how fast she is learning. Now every time we put her down, she rolls over since she is amazed by herself. The only problem is she has not learned to roll back so she always ends up frustrated after awhile on her tummy. But I am sure that will change in a few days (we hope)

- Lei

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