Friday, July 11, 2008

Growing up fast

It's not me as I don't want to ever grow up even after having a child. Isabel on the other hand is growing up fast. We swear we can tell that she is gaining weight every day.

- She looked me straight in the eyes today and smiled for awhile (I cried from joy)
- She can now fall asleep on her own at night as long as she is swaddled
- She sleeps 7-9 hours straight at night (we are the luckiest parents in the world)
- She can play on her own in the crib when we turn on her music toy for about 20-30 min sometimes (especially in the morning)
- She is making many more sounds and can laugh out loud at times

We are still working on how to soothe her in public. She gets fussy sooner in public as if she is not used to being out of the house. She gets quiet as soon as we get in the elevator to go home. It's like she knows she is going home or something. She does the same when we drive into the garage.

It's amazing to watch her grow and see how she figures things out. I am in awe of the process.

- Lei

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