Sunday, March 20, 2022

Isabel finds out her high school admission results

From late October through thanksgiving.  Isabel and we worked on her high school applications to Saint Ignatius and Sacred Heart Cathedral. It was hard core.  Essays for parents and Isabel.  Videos to record and an interview with SI plus getting recommendations for her. 

Friday March 18, she found out the results.  her hard work paid off and she got into both school.  SI shared they had 1340 applicants and they accepted I think 25% or about 375 including isabel.  SHC didn’t share totals but told Isabel she is accepted with honors.  Still trying to figure out what that means.  For now just celebrating and making decisions quickly. 

We recorded her checking her results as it was done while she was with her soccer friends and live with us on FaceTime.   Sorry no sounds but plenty of expressions.

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