Thursday, January 24, 2019

Isabel’s first concert - Kelly Clarkson

So excited to share it with her and one of her best friends - Michaela and her mom Kathy.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

New baby boy Rex

To be clear, Rex is not ours although these pictures would have made a good April fools joke. :-). My friend david and his wife came by with their 2.5 month old baby boy Rex. Ironically we forgot to take pictures with them in it. So looks like we have a new addition to our family. Hehe. The girls loved playing with Rex and we offered to babysit.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

My fastest hot chocolate run

It's our fifth year running this 15k. I was not thinking of beating my fastest time as the only year I really trained for it was year 1 in 2015. I finished in under 99minutes.

Well, I finished today in under 90 minutes or avg 9:39 min per mile. I surprised myself. Here is my secret - not really but kind of funny
1. Don't train for the run but do cross train 3-4 times a week with other workouts
2. Make sure I drank a bit of alcohol and sleep late. I had a glass of wine and about 6 hours of sleep
3. Bought new running shoes 10 days ago and gambled it will not give me blisters. I do love new balance shoes.
4. Stress - I think this is probably the main reason I was running so fast. I am experiencing a bit of stress at work to ramp up on a big role. That stress probably needed this outlet in my body
5. Egg McMuffin with sausage and coffee - our breakfast before run at 8:10 am.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Alexis first sleep under bday party

What's a sleep under you ask? Wells its a day time slumber party where they go in their pajamas and sleeping bag watch a move have pizza and be picked up before sleep time. The party was from 4:30-730. Alexis was nervous before she went as she was never dropped off and left by herself for a party before. The last picture is after she came back. She had a BLAST!

My little girl is growing up. Waaaaaaahhhh! But so cute at the same time.