Friday, December 15, 2017

Happy 6th birthday Alexis

My dear Alexis, I cannot believe you are six years old today. Mommy has learned so much from you since you were born. You have such a sparkle in your mischievous smile. It melts my heart every time even when I am saying no to your 23rd attempt to sweetly ask for dessert or a toy. ;-)

I love watching you learn new things. I remember you learned the hola hoop over a month period. The first few days you did it 100 times a night but was only able to keep the hoop up for 3 rounds or less. Yet your enthusiasm to learn was never dampened When the hoop dropped, you just tried harder and with a big smile on your face. If only we can all be that way as adults when we learn new things :-)

I am so proud of the little girl that you have become - warm, clever, social, caring, charming and curious. You have such a big personality for a little person. Mommy loves spending time with you wherever we go - playground, ice skating, scooting, or just hanging out at Starbucks.

I am thankful you love your kindergarten. When you told me on day 1 "I love Starr king," I was so happy for you that you are excited to make new friends and learn all kinds of new subjects.

I feel so blessed to be your mommy. You bring joy to me everyday with your 1000s of expressions. I look forward to growing with you and helping you learn about this wonderful world. I know you will do some amazing things in life and mommy will be there with you every step of the way.

I love you with all my heart. Happy birthday, lingling!

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