Sunday, September 11, 2016

Happy to finish Giants race 10k on sept 11 2016

I didn't train and didn't sleep that much but had an amazing time at the run. I am so glad both Agnes and my colleague talked me into the signing up.

We walked to the starting line in the dark and started at 709am with thousands of people. It's always awesome to run on the blocked streets. Energy was electric and contagious.

We started slow to warm up the first 5k like 10:30 per mile, which is actually faster than when I run by myself. Once we turned to come back I started to run much faster. I was worried my calves would be strained but I think the walk and the first 5k warm up did the trick.

I am super happy with my results. Under 10 min mile. The high after is like no other. I am hooked. Next one is turkey run 5k and then Jan 15k. Gotta train this time. i will because I said I would. :-)

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