Monday, December 15, 2014

Happy Birthday - My Baby Lexi

Dear Ling Ling,

Happy Happy Birthday! 3 years ago today and right now, you were born to delight us all.   You are a bundle of sweetness.   I can't believe you are already 3 years old. It's awesome and somewhat sad at the same time. You are growing up so fast. It's amazing to see so many sides of your personality - the making of an actress perhaps. :-)

You have learned so much so quickly

  • You are a puzzle princess (I am in awe of how much you love your puzzles, especially the 100 piece princess one) 
  • You are a constant charmer, especially when we say no - you just get more charming. What are we going to do with you? I think you know it works so well on us - clever girl
  • You are a little ballerina.  I know you love your tutu class. You look so cute in the outfits and doing your moves
  • You already know your alphabet and can count in English and Chinese.
  • You are ..
  • You are...
Mommy can go on, but most of all, you are my baby no matter how old you get.  Mommy will always be here for you - to listen, to learn, to comfort, to guide, to hug you.  I hope you will always be curious, be sweet, be charming, be sassy, be confident, be bold, be loving, and most of all be happy.  I hope you will always choose to talk to mommy about what's going on in your life.  No matter what it is, I am here for you.

It's so nice to see you and Isabel play together.  I know you fight every other minute but I can see how much you love each other.  I am so glad you can have each other in your lives.

Sometimes I feel like time is just flying by and you are grown overnight.  I guess that's life in general.  As much as I want to keep you small, I am so happy to see you thriving and loving life.  I am glad I can witness all these great little moments in your life as you grow.
  • When you yell "Bingo" after playing the new Bingo game you got for your birthday
  • When you sing "Let it go" on the top of your lungs
  • When you eyes light up on the mention of gummies or chocolate
  • When you want my hair to hold on to when you sleep
  • When you look at me and then deliberately burst out crying to get what you want (it's so cute and it's hard for me to stay really stern with you)
  • When you come up to me and hold my face to say I love you or to kiss me 
  • When you speak Chinese back - how you learn so fast
  • When you look at me to say "Can I suck my thumb?"
  • When you are grumpy when I wake up too early from your nap
  • When you say "mommy"
  • When you fight back your sister who is picking on you 
  • When you say 'Hiya" to mimic the karate
  • When you ask for a "piggy back ride" but really want a horsey ride
  • When you ask to sit with me and then ask for my phone (very calculated of you)
I wish you all the joy and laughter in life.  May you always try everything and have a positive outlook on life, think best of others, and have great friends and experiences.  

I love you!!

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