Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Isabel is 2013 Karate Champion in Northen California

Sunday we left at 7:50am to drive Isabel down to Cupertino for her first ever Karate tournament. We got there just in time at 9am. Despite some registration issues, Isabel was in the competition with 4 other kids for the K2 divisions - kids 4-6 years old. It was quite an overwhelming tournament with people every where and at least 5 mats out with different competitions going simultaneously She did a fantastic job and WON! We recorded her competition of doing her "kata" and being announced soon after the 2013 Champion. here are the videos and photos. Here she is prepping for the tournament Waiting for her competition to start Her kata in competition - she looks so intense for a 5 year old She was announced the champion pictures from the tournament. You can see how crowded it is in one of the picture Isabel had a blast and it was all wrapped up for her by 10am although the tournament itself will last all day. We are very proud of her. Lei

1 comment:

Dawn N said...

Fantastic! Great job!