Monday, April 15, 2013

My strong Alexis

It's been a tough two months for Alexis. She has had two high fevers, a stuffy nose/cough, a weird rash, blisters on her tongue and gums from the last fever and major teething as her molars came out already. But wow she is such a trooper.

First of all, for anyone who maybe overly concerned by this news, ALEXIS IS FINE AND A HEALTHY CHILD. Don't worry. This has just been a tough cold season and with big sister bringing home every germ from her preschool, Alexis is getting quite a few of them.

Good news is LingLing is building such a great immune system now since her body has learned to fight it all now. Dr say all is very normal.

I am so proud that LingLing is so strong through it all. She only got whiny for a day or two as she couldn't eat well. Her mouth hurt so much. All that is OVER thank goodness and crossing our fingers. Even when she had fevers, she would still play, laugh. This photo was taken last week while she had a fever. She is much tougher than us adults. If I had those blisters I would be much more whiny.

Looking at the big picture, I am so thankful for my two healthy kids. Sure each had their challenges - isabel with her face rashes and Alexis with these several colds lately. But all in all, its just normal growing pains for them and for us.

Thank god for agnes who did most of the night comforts as Alexis would get up several times at night. Crossing our fingers, this is the last of it.

Motherhood continues to be a roller coaster ride but I still LOVE IT!

Many kisses to my babies


Update: Alexis ate pretty well today. Almost back to normal. Yeepy

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