Monday, October 15, 2012

Alexis is 10 months old today

Happy 10th month old, LingLing. She is so responsive and getting bigger by the day

- she started mimicking my gestures and sounds. She loves to wave and clap her hands and kick. She waves everywhere she goes and draws adoring comments from stranger. She is more social than isabel at this age
- she now crawls fully on her knees. So cute to see her little butt sway as she crawls
- she loves peek a boo. And is curious about everything. Her favorite thing to do is to go through a bag and pick up everything in it.
- she tries to stand every chance she gets. Amazing to see how she balances , push up to stand and then move her feet to balance. She is starting to move around walking while holding on for support
- she is super flexible and will often hold on to one foot or both and being them to her face. She doesn't really suck on her toes just likes to play. She even points her toes. I still love eating those chunky feet
- her skin turned out less rashy which is a blessing. She got such baby soft skin.
- she is a great independent sleeper. Loves her crib. Sleeps before 7 and doesn't cry when she wakes up around 6 and will just wait for us to pick her up around 630
- she knows her name. Looks at me whenever I call her LingLing or Alexis or Lexi
- she is overall a very chill baby. Only complains when she has dirty diaper, hungry or sleepy. Otherwise, she is just happy roaming around the house as long as she knows one of us is nearby;-)

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