Thursday, October 7, 2010

Stuff Isabel says (she is 2 yrs and 5 months old)

No (it's unfortunately her favorite word)
It's mine (whenever anyone is near her favorite things)
Meimei not happy not happy (when she is not pleased with something)
Mom, What doing, over there?
I peed in potty (she also know to say I need to pee - yeah)
I pooped (unfortunately pooping in potty is still a struggle, so she tells us after she pooped in panty or once on the couch - long story)
Can I watch tiger mama? (tiger is her favorite chinese DVD)
Coconut pls? (she has discovered the wonderful taste of fresh coconut juice and can drink one all by herself - an expensive habit)
I want to eat bread.  I am hungry.  Rice?  Cookies? Strawberries  (she loves starches and fruits and she almost alway eat food separately - if she is eating rice, she just eat rice and nothing else except when eat tinola oe nilaga)
Mama, don't leave me! (her favorite way to keep me with her - using guilt. Ahh they learn so quickly)
It's walgreens (when we drive by one as she recognizes the W)
That's laundry (when we drive by a laundrymat because she does laundry with agnes every week and recog the machines)
Love you, miss you, good day, byebye, morning, night night sorry and also chinese versions of these 
She can count to 10 in chinese and english

- Lei

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