Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sleepless in San francisco

Every once in awhile, I would have trouble sleeping.  Tonight it's really because I let little things irritate me and disturb my mind.  I know I should let them go so I can sleep, but it's harder said then done.

So I take Pete's advice - instead of watching the inside of my eyelids for hours, I get up and do stuff until I am sleepy - read a chapter in Rays of Dawn, ate some yummy chicken and veggies and rice, watched an episode of "Gossip Girl", and responded to emails.  Now I am posting.  It's 3:12am. I am tired but not sleepy.

Something in the back of my mind still disturbs me.  not sure what it is.  I think it's indecision.  I hate being wishy washy but I realized surprisingly that I am also a pleaser to a select few in my life.  Because of that, I make decisions based on what I think pleases them and then realize they really didn't care either way and if I did what I wanted, I would have made a different decision.

I didn't think I am that person in general, but I guess I am that person in certain circumstances.  It frustrates me because it's not like they demand or ask me to act this way.  I put it all on myself to be this way because I care, but I think sometimes, I and they would be happier if I cared less.  At least I am aware that's what I am doing and therefore I can adjust and change.  I know I am being vague but it's late and I just want to ramble a bit.   It's making me sleepy which is a good sign :-)

I am nostalgic of the days of childhood when I always just sleep easily.  No over-worrying of unimportant things.  Adults used to tell me to enjoy my childhood as there are a lot more to worry about when I grow up. I didn't believe them as I am sure my daughter won't believe me.   Once I became an adult though, I understood.  C'est la vie.  Time to sleep and dream happy dreams.  Good night!

- Lei
p.s.: don't worry mom, I am fine and healthy.  I am sure I will sleep like a baby now and tomorrow :-)

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