Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pay it forward

I was waiting for the bus in the rain.  It took a little awhile so I began to talk to the two people that also were waiting.  One is a building manager nearby going home from work.  The other just moved here from LA and is a Director for Ad production in the auto industry (basically makes car commercial).  He was busing from home to go to the Container store I think.  it was pouring.

The bus finally came and we all got on.  The second guy then realized that he only had a $20 and the bus gives no change.  I guess there is really no bus system in LA.  As we all scramble to see if we have change for a $20, no one did.  He was preparing to jump off at the next stop so he can get change.  I decided to just give him $2 for his bus fare.  It just seems so unfair to have to go back into the pouring rain with no umbrella in a new city.

He was so thankful, he kept thanking me the rest of the trip and just thought the world of me.  I simply said, people are pretty nice in this city.  I have lost my wallet once and my phone once and both time it was returned to me by someone walking on the street.  I am just paying it forward.  I told him to just pay it forward.  Even though I spent $2, it was just the best feeling to help someone else out (even a stranger) without expecting anything in return.  If only, we can all act like that more everyday.  I will definitely try.  Hope you will do the same. :-)

- Lei

Life is good!

The sun is finally out today and I am snapping out of my downer mood.  Why not?  life is good overall.  I have a great family and business life, a beautiful baby and good friends.  What else can I ask for?  Besides, in the last few days and weeks, I have been receiving sobering news.

- a fellow Judo friend of Jaime's died of Cancer at age 59;
- a friend of Jaime's mom died of heart attack - I think he was only in his 60's
- our mutual friend's mom went back to the Philippines to retire and died 15 days later of a sudden stroke at the age of 83
- Jaime's high school friend's mom just died as well
- today I show up for work to receive an email about a colleague I have worked with for 2 years - they found a tumor in him that may be cancerous and he needs surgery right away while his wife is having complications with her recent back surgery

Life can be much tougher for many people.  We are all mortal and all we have is NOW, so I hope you are enjoying NOW wherever you are.  Don't let crap affect you today because today we are alive and breathing and we have to be thankful for that.

hugs and kisses,

Monday, April 19, 2010

Latest favorite movie

Just saw how to train your dragon last night. It was awesome. You will love it! brain over muscle anyday

- Lei

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A life well lived

Ernie Norback - a loving husband, a world traveler, a English partner, a community leader, a lawyer and business owner, an intellectual, a loving, caring family man, and a grandfather to me.  I am very sad that he passed away this year in Feb at the age of 96.  I have known him since I was 11 years old when my father introduced me to him and his wife Aileen as his Stanford English partners - someone who helped my dad learn English.

We have kept in touch ever since - had many dinners talking about the latest travel, books, politics. and in fact Ernie and Aileen have been my American grandparents attending all my major milestones including meeting various boyfriends, my husband and my daughter, attending my Stanford graduation and my wedding in 2007.  I will always remember his enthusiasm for life, for debate, for travel and his constant curiosity and I am always in awe of how mentally sharp he was even in his 90s.

I will miss him dearly but I have to let him go as Cancer had caused him so much pain in the last few months of his life.  I do believe in some kind of heaven above and I hope he is looking down on us smiling as he realize how much I appreciate he and Aileen's presence in my life and how the way he lived his life has inspired me to live mine also with passion and adventure.  I will always remember him in my heart.

- Lei

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Isabel's Favorite Past Time .

Can you guess what it is? She loves it and it's a good workout for Agnes :-)

Isabel's First Easter Egg Hunt

We were invited to an awesome neighborhood egg hunt the weekend before Easter. 900 eggs for 30 some kids including a special areas just for babies 2 years and under. Isabel got the hang of it quickly and got about 30 eggs.

We brought the eggs home and did another egg hunt at our apt during Easter. She is now a pro and realize there are little gifts in the eggs. They learn so fast!

Train Ride @ Union St. Fair

It was raining on Easter on Union street but it didn't matter, as Isabel had a great time on her first train ride.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Best present ever!

What can I say? Isabel love boxes.

I'm A Be by Isabel

Isabel's dancing goes to a whole new level with dancing and singing at the same time to Black Eye Pea's IMMA BE. Enjoy!