Friday, May 29, 2009

Isabel loves hide and seek

It is not all what you think. She does love it when we run around, hide away, and wait for her to find us. But what you don't know is she also love to hide everyone's stuff now that she can reach higher and open up drawers.

3 weeks ago, I realized that I can't find my MPS player. Agnes said she last saw it on our dinner table but also don't know what happened. I asked her to look everywhere with no success, so I thought I probably just lost it. We kinda gave up.

Well guess what, today while Agnes was not looking, Isabel came around holding my MPS player in her hand. I guess she gave up on us finding it, so she is like "okay, I guess I will just give it back to you. This way I can hide it again when you are not looking :-)" I couldn't believe it. I still don't know where she hid it. She apparently did the same thing to Agnes' MPS player a month ago, but we found it under the Wii Fit board after just a few days.

The morale of the story - visitors beware! All your stuff that you bring to the house is fair GAME for Isabel. She will eventually give it back I think, but we don't know when :-)

- Lei

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