Sunday, January 31, 2016

Our awesome trip to New Orleans

We just got back from 5 days in New Orleans. It was simply awesome.
- we had greatfood - commanders palace, lilette, majoria commerce, Muriel's, cafe du mond, royal house, palace cafe, Felix. From oysters to crawfish etoufee to crabmeat cheesecake to pecan crusted drum, our tummies were in heaven although a few pounds heavier
- we met up with old friends unexpectedly. Jaime reconnected with a college friend, Jen, whom he hasn't seen in 25 years and we also met up with our good friend Vic who lives in miami but happens to be in New Orleans for work
- got our party on. I think we were nice and lit about twice per day with naps in between. Our favorite bars were. Pat obriens for the Hurricanes, razzoo in bourbon for the phunky monkey live band and the awesome DJ another night, and lastly goldmine on St. Peter's and dalphine, a local favorite with flaming dr peppers and great dance music for all.

I think we will be back. Jen mentioned she can get us on a Mardi Gras float if we ever want to. We may have to take her up on that. She is on the muses float. We hope our old and new friends will visit us in sf.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Alexis sings do re mi


Monday, January 18, 2016

Miracle of 2016

I got this from my Chinese relatives. Proof 2016 is extra lucky year.

总共12个168,祝大家2016年每个月都一路发!wishing everyone wealth

祝大家2016年顺心隨意、顺风顺水、六六大顺! wishing everyone smooth sailing

祝大家2016年事业兴旺发达!发发发! wishing everyone prosper and grow

祝大家2016年幸福的日子长长久久!祝大家腊八节快乐!wishing everyone happiness forever. ;-)

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Live in the now! & enjoy!

Keanu Reaves told this story, "My friend's mom has eaten healthy all her life. Never ever consumed alcohol or any "bad" food, exercised every day, very limber, very active, took all supplements suggested by her doctor, never went in the sun without sunscreen and when she did it was for as short a period as possible- so pretty much she protected her health with the utmost that anyone could. She is now 76 and has skin cancer, bone marrow cancer and extreme osteoporosis. My friend's father eats bacon on top of bacon, butter on top of butter, fat on top of fat, never and I mean never exercised, was out in the sun burnt to a crisp every summer, he basically took the approach to live life to his fullest and not as others suggest. He is 81 and the doctors says his health is that of a young person.

People you cannot hide from your poison. It's out there and it will find you so in the words of my friend's still living mother: 'If I would have known my life would end this way I would have lived it more to the fullest enjoying everything I was told not to!' None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Eat the delicious food. Walk in the sunshine. Jump in the ocean. Say the truth that you're carrying in your heart like hidden treasure. Be silly. Be kind. Be weird. There's no time for anything else."

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Isabel created a crystal tree

Isabel bought a " sparkle and flow crystals" with experiment on how to grow crystal. Here is the first one after a few days.

Happy 4th Birthday Alexis!

Alexis' 4th Photo Story - created at


Sunday, January 10, 2016

Finished our hot chocolate 15k

Today is a big day. Agnes and I did our 15k run 2nd year in a row. We arrive at 730am in golden gate park. Last 2miles was hard for me since I didn't train and didn't sleep well night before and my phone died so no music. Still the energy of 12k runners was amazing. We saw 7 and 9 year olds running 15k. We had a blast and hours of natural high.

I was definitely slower than last year but agnes kicked ass at 10:15 min mile. I was at 10:59 min mile. Am just happy I finished without walking much, a testimony to the human body's capacity and sheer mental will to keep going. ;-)

We are doing it again next year. Wanna join?

I am awake now

The music is blasting. The energy is amazing. I am thankful to be alive. I have 2 hours to ponder about life while running. Plan to be super slow.

Happy early Sunday

It was 635am this morning when I woke up after two amazing and productive hours of sleep. :-). We had an amazing sushi meal last night which I will post about later but I think I drank too much tea. I literally woke up every hour to pee and ponder about my life. My solid sleep hit at 445am when I dreamed about missing today's run.

So when my alarm sounded I was actually ready to go. My brain took a little longer to wake up. Agnes got some breakfast from Starbucks for us and we were off in uber pool where I dozed off a little.

Now warming up for my "cold turkey" run. No training little work out, no sleep. I am redefining the meaning of living dangerously. Hehe. Wish me luck

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Drum routine practice for cny


Friday, January 1, 2016

Midnight tradition from the Philippines.

They got gifts and they got noisy at midnigh


Three sleeping beauties at 1230am jan 1 2016

Good night everyone. May your 2016 be filled with good dreams, great adventures and many happy memories. Xoxo