Friday, September 28, 2012

My favorite time in the morning

It's 6:14am, it's still dark out.  I always wake up right around this time for the last 5 month because my favorite part of the morning is about to begin.  I close my eyes again just waiting….

"Lei?" Agnes calls out from the dark.  I instantly wake up to see her carrying Alexis (LingLing) waiting by the bedside.  It's LingLing's first feeding time and our treasured time together every morning as I am still breastfeeding her in the morning.  Alexis smiles a big bright smile at me.  She has been going to bed by 7pm so at 6:15 am, she is wide awake and hungry.

My routine is I get up to go to the bathroom and wash up a little, put on my feeding shirt which is a long sleeve buttoned shirt left open while Agnes puts a little burp cloth on my bed and puts Alexis down to wait for me to come back.  By this time, she is always whining as she doesn't see me anymore and she doesn't stop until I come back to lie down next to her.

As soon as I am close, she aggressively goes after the boob and I feel relieved as well as she gets the milk.  Luckily she doesn't have teeth yet so nursing her is still an awesome experience.  We sometimes fall asleep again together while she nurses. I either hold her left hand as she likes hold on if she is wuite awake or I have my hand possessively on her back and little butt.  It's just a great feeling to have her all cuddled up and happily eating like it's heaven for her (also for me).

As she is 9 month now, if she doesn't fall asleep, she is done in 10 min on one side and I get on top to tickle her a little and then move to the other side to nurse her.  She doesn't feed as much on the other side.  Within about 5 min, she tries her darnest to flip over so she can be on her stomach – her favorite position and climb around and on top of my pillows.   She is now very happy and looks curiously around for fun stuff to go after – her favorites are my glasses which I promptly take away, the water bottle (I have it there in case I am dehydrated as milk does not come out if I am), but her most favorite is the clock with its bright digital dial and surprisingly the wooden headboard.

I would let her roam for 5 min holding on to one foot to make sure she doesn't fall.  She is quite agile and fast now and can easily fall.  Then I try again to feed her.  Sometimes she will start nursing again for another 5 min.  Once I tried again on both sides, I know she is done - at least with me. 

Next come my other favorite part – I put her on my belly and just kisses her all over starting with her cheeks and necks.  Her skin is sooooo nice and soft.  She is so good about this and just lets me.  It's awesome.  Even though she smells a little like pee as we haven't changed her yet from the night, she feels AWESOME on my belly.  She also usually flash that wonderful smile of hers.  I raspberry her belly and sometime she just starts laughing.  She eventually gets off of me and I hold her up to stand.  She loves to stand now.  I let go just for a sec and she giggles as she feels the feeling of falling but I catch her of course. 

By now, it's close to 7.  I bring her out to either Daddy who is up or Agnes to feed her the bottle some more.  Yeah, she eats at least another 4 oz more after me.  I either try to nap a little more before work or go workout depending on the day. 

This has been my morning routine with Alexis for about 4-5 months now.  I will miss it when I stop nursing her which will probably happen in less than a month. 

Ah.... Motherhood - I love these moments



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"Vision without action is a daydream; action without vision is a nightmare!"

Fun day at fairyland with Abi and Sloane

We went this past Wednesday. It was a perfect 70 degree weather. Isabel had a blast playing with her friends Abi and Sloane.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mama Duck and Baby Duck song

Isabel is in singing mood today. Here is another Chinese song

Morning time with the girls

They love playing with each other

Many faces of isabel

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

All over daddy

The girls loves daddy especially climbing all over him. Daddy looks pretty happy as well.

Happy birthday Sloane

Can't believe she is already two years old. Here is isabel meeting up with Sloane in upper noe for a quick Playdate. They had a blast

"I am Pretty Awesome" Sang by Isabel in Chinese

It's a long one but soooooo cute with sound effects and dance steps!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Alexis is 9 month old

Time flies and she is obsessed with standing up everywhere she goes. And she loves to bounce to the music. Check is out Lei

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Amazing double rainbow

This was about two weeks ago. There was a quick thunder storm and an amazing rainbow showed up for about 20 min

Helping mama clean up

45th Wedding Anniversary

two videos from dinner

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Remembering sept 11th

I am very thankful for my life. It's a day to remember all those people we lost, kiss our loves ones, and smell the roses while we still can.


Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Daddy & Alexis

> Ling Ling laying down in bed w/ daddy this morning at 630am :)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Video of Isabel's Karate Test - Kata

Isabel has now earned her fourth strip on her white belt. She is quite good and serious. Her breathing in the second video is quite amazing. Her kicks at the very end is soooo cute. I am so proud. Congratulations Isabel for a job well done. Lei

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Too cool for school

Someone is styling in the sun.

Fun in the sun

Indian summer is almost here so temperature was 70 plus this weekend. Both isabel and Alexis had fun getting out with their bike, car, and scooter. :-)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012

Alexis claps on her hands

She has been doing this for two months now but never on video.  Well, we were patient and finally caught her. :-)  Look at that smile.