Saturday, February 25, 2012

Love of my life

Can't believe I have two kids. I am truly blessed.

Our little Ywok

First time out at a party. Isabel friend Lukas is turning 3.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Russian Hills Academy

These are photos from her new school. It's awesome and Isabel loves it here. Guess it all worked out.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Alexis doing stuff

Alexis is snoring Alexis found her hand

Isabel at the dentist

Isabel went to the dentist today.  She was so awesome - no complaints and let them clean, polish and put floride on her teeth.  no cavities or sugar bugs.  We just need to lift her lips to clean her gums more and also try to floss.

She is bigger now so moving her to Fluoride children toothpaste. They recommend Tom of Maine Strawberry or Mango.  All in all, I am so proud of Isabel for being such a good little patient today.  Here is a video of her.


Alexis 2 months check up

Alexis is 12lb 10 oz!  A big girl that's bigger than 85% of babies her age.
Alexis is 23.5 inches - taller than 90% of babies who are 2 months old
Alexis' head is 15.5 inches - bigger than 55% of kids 
She got 4 shots and an oral treatment - screamed for 10 sec but was super brave.  Has a little fever right now 99.8, but all looks good.  She is one healthy breastfed baby.  Mama's milk is super good - she is feeding 100% on breast milk and I store about another 2oz extra a day. :-)

Here is a video of her at the doctor's office

her is 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

Isabel, Alexis, and Gabby says happy valentine day to you all. :-)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A very happy baby

Alexis is definitely having a very good dream here. She is smiling a lot. See for yourself

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

First time taking the baby out by myself

Alexis loves to sleep in the stroller. A blessing for me. We are shopping at Safeway. :-)

Happy Belated Birthday to Gabby!

Gabby turned 3 on Feb 5th.   Time really flies.  We are so excited she and her mommy will be visiting the Bay Area for a week starting Thursday.   Gabby will celebrate her birthday again on Sat Feb 11th with all of us.  This video is courtesy of the most talented photo story artist we know, Miss Agnes.  Big Thank You for putting this together for Princess Gabby.  Enjoy!


Isabel singing and dancing

She loves singing and dancing and is quite interpretive with her moves.  She loves to turn when she dances just like mommy



Monday, February 6, 2012

Isabel eats salad

By some miracle, Isabel started to eat salad, romaine lettuce with dressing and Parmesan cheese. I think the Parmesan cheese is the magic ingredient that attracted her to the salad but she actually eats quite a bit of romaine lettuce with the Parmesan cheese. Here's a video proof of it.

Alexis is talking

Well not really. But in the video below in the very beginning it seriously sounds like she said hi to us. Isabel loves watching this video. Enjoy!

Friday, February 3, 2012

My new outfit from children's place

I think I'm the cutest bunny I have ever seen :-)